Friday, January 22, 2010

Guest rider

24 Hours of Booty held a contest under the "24 Days of Booty" kick off for 2010. Ironic that the Charlotte event sold out in less than 10 days. Just a few years ago I would wake up at night in a panic wondering if anyone would show up. No longer.

The contests have been really creative and fun for the 24 Days of Booty. In one, we asked who our riders would like to have on their team. The winner gets me as a guest member (not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing, but we went with it). There were great entries, but the best one was from a Charlotte fireman who recently lost his dad to cancer. The author thought about how it would be to ride with his dad during the night; not really talking, but just riding together. He also said this:

"At work you never get to pick who you save, an opportunity presents itself and you just try to save as many people as you can. Hopefully that is what 24 Hours of Booty is doing and that's why I'm riding. "

Man, that rings out to me.

The night riding is the part of 24 Hours of Booty that I do my best thinking. About cancer, about the riders and their stories, and about all the lives that are touched by what is going on around me. I want to be there with the fireman and his team this year, and I hope to spend some time riding through the night; not really talking, but just riding together.

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